Thursday 16 June 2011

A bit of background

It's time for me to learn to cook. I am pushing 30, my dad wants me to get married and the only real way I can buy myself more time is to claim that it is imperative that I learn to master the West Indian way of cooking.

It's not going to be easy, I cry just looking at an onion. It's not going to be plain-sailing, I can still recalling the ear-wrecking fights we had when dad taught me to drive. However, maybe - just maybe - it might be fun! Well, as long as there's plenty of El Dorado rum close to hand.

So on a weekly basis, I will be updating this blog on the dish that I've cooked (under close supervision from Jai of course), whether it's been a huge success (or an epic failure), my (honest) opinion of what it tasted like and, of course, the all-important ingredients du jour.

It truly is a recipe for success...